Repairs, Services And Maintenance

A batteries’ lifespan depends on many factors, of which the temperature, the quality of topping water, the proper charging and the regular maintenance are of major importance.
CPR Batteries offers a range of maintenance and service agreements. CPR maintains / repairs the batteries and chargers on regular bases and provides the following services:
Most companies use normal tap water to top up the batteries. This water contains harmful conductive substances which will reduce the ability of the cell to deliver to it’s rated capacity and will reduce the expected life of the battery. CPR Batteries produces de-ionised water on its own premises which is used on all batteries that are maintained by CPR.

The following procedures are followed after a battery has been stripped:

  • Connecting and charging of cells.
  • Acid adjustment on cells.
  • Five hours discharged.
  • Clean cells.
  • Shot blast tanks.
  • Paint inside of tank with Acid resistant paint and outside with a primer undercoat followed by a final coat of quality black paint.
  • Rebuild battery.
  • Supply new connectors and shrouds if needed.
  • Charge the battery to its full capacity.
  • Take the SG reading of each cell.
  • Take Voltage reading of each cell.
  • Check the temperature of each cell. Adjust the SG to required level.
  • Discharge the battery and charge.
  • The procedure is followed until the SG reading has reached its required level.
  Fully charged specific gravity should be in the range of 1.255 to 1.295 at 25oC.
  • We guarantee a significant saving on costs of steel tanks. We manufacture our tanks to standard required by customers
  • Repair tanks.
  • All our tanks (new/repaired), or when stripped and rebuild get shot blasted.
  • New chargers.
  • All repairs and services on chargers.
  • Necessary changes are done on chargers for downloading.
Overcharging is another form of abuse, which can have a serious effect on battery life. It is therefore important to check battery voltage and charge current from the charger’s ammeter, and compare it with the recommended rate.

Ad Hoc Strip and Rebuild

Batteries are collected for a strip and rebuild on a regular basis which consist of the following:

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