Warranty Conditions

On our standard weekly option we offer a 4 year warranty, or 1200 cycles at 80% of normal capacity C5 on all batteries supplied by CPR Battery Services.
Should a BMU (Battery Monitoring Unit) be fitted, we offer a 5 year warranty, or 1500 cycles at 80% of normal capacity C5 on all batteries supplied by CPR Battery Services.
The warranty as detailed above remains valid, only if the following operating conditions are adhered to:
CPR Battery Services Services and its duly appointed agents exclude all liability for any and all damages, losses, injury, or expenses and whether of a direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential nature or otherwise and howsoever caused and by whomsoever suffered and which may arise out of or relate to the use or inability to use the battery or any failure whatsoever to meet this warranty. This warranty shall not prejudice any other rights that CPR Battery Services may have in terms of common law or these terms and conditions.
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